Casting Pods – Copeland Creative

Last Friday I went up to Dahlonega to sit down with some friends of mine, Caleb Copeland and Ryer Porter of Copeland Creative, to be on their podcast. Caleb, the founder and CEO of Copeland Creative, is one of the preeminent outdoor content producers in the country. His clients include/have included John Dudley, The Crush with Lee and Tiffany, The Hunting Habit with Chuck Belmore, and an unending list of work for household brand names.

The Redneck Tech podcast is focused on providing highly actionable information for people looking to create outdoor video and photography content. Seriously, if you are looking to become a better photographer or videographer, you need to listen to these guys. Check out the youtube below. Skip to about the 20 minute mark where we actually get into the podcast: 98: Jamey Shirah on Content and Social Media Trends.

This episode covers a myriad of content including an Idaho bear encounter, how to add value in your life and work, content creation and skill sets that will always be of value, and what I consume in content and how it drives me. We also get into the topic of the huntress culture.

Give it a listen or a watch and let me know what you think!

