Fear – Why we don’t do things.

I started this blog to try and understand why I do things, and others don’t. I think the simple reason, is that people, including me, are generally scared to do something new. Not the “oh my god the boogie man” is going to get me scared. But more of the “man I am going to look like a moron in front of all of those … Continue reading Fear – Why we don’t do things.

Brazilian Jiu-Jistu​: Vol. 1

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sucks. It’s legitimately one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. Every time. The old saying goes that “BJJ doesn’t get any easier, you just get better at it” hasn’t seemed to have clicked with me. And that’s exactly why I love it. BJJ is a mind game as much as anything. Some people can’t handle the fact that they … Continue reading Brazilian Jiu-Jistu​: Vol. 1